Sunday, January 31, 2010

Didion & Buzzell

Question: How do Buzzell’s blog posts fulfill Didion’s ambitions for the journal? What’s are major differences (if any) between the two mediums, as shown through Buzzell’s and Didion’s? How do you use electronic writing/texting/e-mailing/etc/etc/etc compared any differently than Buzzell’s blogging or Didion’s concept of journaling?

Buzzell’s posts are his own experiences and how he dealt with them. Buzzell writes in his journal to remember things later on, so he wont forget what happened to him that day. He writes to fulfill that void of being alone and not talking with people about his hardship during his stay in the war. Buzzell fulfills Didion’s ambitions for journals by writing things down the way he sees it. He writes in vivid detail about how car bombs go off, and how he can tell the different sounds of explosions because he grew to get use to them.

They’re really no major differences. The only difference I can come up with is that Didion writes about things that didn’t really happen, and if they did, it wasn’t the way she saw them happening. On the other hand, Buzzell writes about things he actually saw day in and day out when he was station in the time of the War. He writes to inform people how hard it can be to be in Iraq. All the ups and downs of the war. Like, Buzzell told a story about how an Iraqi gave him and one of his buddy a bag of ice. This shows that the war can bring out the good in people too, and not just the bad. He expresses good and bad times in Iraq.

I text all day long!!! I love texting. I text more than I talk on the phone because if you don’t want to hear someone’s voice, you can text them instead; also, with text messages you can reply back whenever you want. I think I depend on electronic writing more than what I need to, because its faster to type things than to write out things to me. Also, you can send the same message to multiple people at once and they will all get it at the same time. although you can do that in a hand written letter/message, but it wont be as efficient enough, fast enough, or very convenience like using an electronic writing program.

1 comment:

  1. when are you gonna write about your best friend?
    a.k.a. me??
