Monday, February 22, 2010

"An Animal Place"

In Michael Pollan’s “An Animal Place,” Pollan explains several arguments that doesn’t seem to mesh well with each other. He talks about how eating, wearing, experimenting, and killing animals are all things human beings do to survive. His ideas are all over the place because how can you say if you eat meat its bad, but then say if your going to continue to eat it live with your choice or change it. that’s not a clear thought because he states that when he was reading the story about the animal, he finished his steak! Did he change his choice, or is he going to live by what he thinks is right for him?
The Animal Liberation to protect animals is a great thing to have because even though I’m not a vegetarian and probably wont be, I tend not to eat meat that much. I’m a very picky eater and I just think its very inhumane to kill something that God created to live. I hated how Salain talks about how its easy for him to kill a chicken because it has no soul and aren’t God’s image. He’s a Christian? I think he needs to think about changing his religion because Christian’s are suppose to love and respect everything God created. I also like how Germany was the first nation to grant animals a constitutional right. that’s HUGE!!
Pollan contradicts himself through out this whole essay. I think he’s confused when it comes to this topic… He states that humans and animals are “equal” and the animals deserve the same consideration that humans do, but then goes on to say how they cannot feel pain because they lack soul!! How does he know what lacks something if he clearly lacks a heart towards animals. Oh yeah, he says that animals are unhappy, but again how can he determine that aspect of something that is a living thing? He will never be a vegetarian, so he should just stop and realize that no matter how much he tries, he will all ways love eating meat.
The thing that I found really interesting in this essay is this quote… “If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his or her own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit nonhumans for the same purpose.” this is really fascinating to me because even though we exploit nonhumans all the time, we do so because that’s the way our society sees it. We do these things because we need to live and that’s the best way we know how to. I don’t think its right, but we need to eat something to live each and every day and not everybody in the world would go vegetarian; but I just don’t agree with how the animals have to suffer when they die. They are put through Hell before they are slaughtered, and I just don’t agree with that death. Its very inhumane for us to treat a living thing like that.
No I don’t find this writing style effective because its just back and forth thinking and evidence that confuses me at times. His juggling is not done well and needs to have more clearer thoughts and ideas.
I will love to do an ad with PEDA because this issue needs to be broadcasted way more throughout the nation, so people can see how animals are being treated before they die and how they harshly live on some farms throughout the nation . Its just harsh!!I don’t wear fur, and that’s the first step I made to help out the animals because I still do eat minimal meats only because I have to live and I probably wont last with the whole vegetarian thing, so don’t call me a hypocrite! So if you do wear fur, you need to start to think about how that animal your wearing felt before they died.

1 comment:

  1. Wait a second...where does Pollan say that animals don't have souls? I think I missed that part.

    Interesting bit about does fur (as opposed to food) fit into Pollan's essay?
