Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"The Boston Photographs"

In the story titled, "The Boston Photographs," by Nora Ephron talks about photojournalism and how hard it is to them to give the public vivid details about harsh times that may not be appealing to many. Also, many disagrees with these photos, saying how they exploit people in this minor, but who can say that these photos exploits these people? Are the families complaining? Maybe they just wanted to inform the public about their tragic loss. I think they have the right to give their own opinions about these things because the newspaper cant always be focused on the positive things of life. There are tragic stories out there as well. I think Ephron balanced her story out very well because she used names and newspapers to make her point. I like how she kind of jumps back and fourth with her own opinions that goes alongside with the photos that she is talking about. In recounting the reactions to the photograph, there were three stories…
The 1st story about the women and child being rescued by the fireman on the escape ladder. The 2nd pictured showed the fire escape slipping off the building. The child had fallen on the escape and seemed about to slide off the edge.
3rd picture showed the women and child in midair, falling to the ground. The response around the country was enormous, and almost all of it was negative. I don’t see why they’re mostly negative thoughts about these images, because this could happen anywhere at anytime around the world, and wouldn’t you want the public to be inform of this minor, but big deal? I know I will because these images are just being blown out of proportion. For defending the pictures, Ephron gives many examples, but the one I want to state is Thomas Keevil of the Costa Mesa Daily Pilot who printed a ballot for readers to vote on whether they would have printed the pictures. I know if I had to vote to tell people if I would of printed these pictures, I would of vote yes, because these pictures aren’t hurting anyone and I don’t see the young lady’s family complaining. Who knows, maybe they wanted these pictures to be broadcasted, so the public can know and understand that these things can happen to anyone and any given day. Ephron balances everything well and explains everything with much details that we need to know. I loved her layout, how she jumps back in fourth to give us her examples and opinions about the photos.

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